Getting Along Teaches P.S. du Pont Middle School Kids to Make Positive Choices

Memphis Street Academy Charter School Celebrates Black History with engaging Let Freedom Sing assembly.
P.S. du Pont Middle School Kicks off the year with All Are Welcome Diversity and Belonging Assembly

Memphis Street Academy Charter School Celebrates Black History with engaging Let Freedom Sing assembly.
Pheifer Middle School Choir Performs With HerStory Cast

Memphis Street Academy Charter School Celebrates Black History with engaging Let Freedom Sing assembly.
Memphis Street Academy Celebrates Diversity

Memphis Street Academy Charter School Celebrates Black History with engaging Let Freedom Sing assembly.
The Spirit of Freedom @ Tacony Academy HS

Tacony Academy Charter High School takes an insightful journey down The Road to Freedom while celebrating diversity.
All Are Welcome at Tacony Academy

Tacony Academy Charter School embraces cultural differences and promotes unity and respect during All Are Welcome assembly.
Winchester Thurston School Reflects on King’s Dream

Integrated video projection and thoughtful commentary encouraging kids to keep Dr. King’s dream of peace and equality alive by making a difference in their community.
MLK Tour 2023 News!

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Penn State Behrend Remembers Dr. King’s Message of Leadership and Activism

Young Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement presentation inspires students to become in today’s quest for social change…
Annual MLK Day Convocation at Saint Francis University Impacts Community

The JFK Theater was packed with audience members as they participated in a dynamic performance of King’s Dream.