King’s Dream is an enthralling live performance and multimedia presentation offer a rousing tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Nobel Peace Prize recipient who led America’s peaceful revolution for equal rights for all.
The era of the turbulent 1960s comes alive with images, singers, and songs that capture the spirit of the civil rights movement. Captivating big-screen video images tell the story of drama, courage, and perseverance.
“Life’s more persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Inspirational and memorable…a moving performance enjoyed by everyone in attendance…a wonderful experience.
American University
“A different approach…well worth seeing. The production is outstanding.”
Asbury Park Press
“A one-of-a-kind presentation…full of soul…emotional songs [and] imagery. Very well received…brilliant performance…an awe-stricken and inspired audience.”
The Beacon
“Stirring images…a moving tribute…some of history’s most inspiring and haunting film footage of the civil rights movement…the emotions of the audience members changed dramatically.”
The Trenton Times
PROGRAM MATERIALS: Student Worksheets and Teaching Resource Guides
Civil Rights, Diversity, American History, African American heritage and culture, Social Studies, Music Education, Humanities, Conflict Resolution, World Peace, Equality, Social Reform
“Inspirational and memorable...a moving performance enjoyed by everyone in attendance...a wonderful experience.”
Coordinator, Multicultural and Inclusion
“King's Dream was incredible! The audience participation, singing, and powerful film footage was amazing.”
Student, BSU Member
“Because of [Dr. King], thousands did something. And our world was changed. Thank you for bringing your powerful presentation to our campus.”
Coordinator of International Student Services & Multicultural Engagement
“We thoroughly enjoyed having you all here to celebrate [MLK Day] with us. Everyone expressed how much they enjoyed and were inspired by your presentation."